Basics of thesis
The degree is awarded on the basis of a thesis examined by an internal and two external examiners. The thesis can deal with any topic that falls within the faculty's research focus, namely law, justice, and sustainability. Sufficient expertise on the topic must be available in the faculty to provide an effective study guide. The student must submit a research proposal for approval to the postgraduate program committee within nine months of registration. After approval of the research proposal, the student must pass an oral examination to determine whether they are ready to proceed with the writing of the thesis and write my essay.
Duration (minimum and maximum duration)
- The study period extends over at least two years.
- A student must meet all the requirements for the LLD degree within four years of registration.
- If insufficient progress is made, the studies may be terminated.
Admission requirements
- To be admitted to the LLD, a student must have obtained an LLM degree at this university or at any other South African university, or the status of such a master's degree must have been granted at the request of the Senate.
- The Director of Postgraduate Programs may also insist that the student submit sufficient proof of their abilities before being admitted to the program.
- As a guideline, a student should have obtained an average of 65% for their LLM studies, including for the dissertation.
- When applying for admission, the student must submit a research proposal of two (2) pages to enable the faculty to determine whether sufficient expertise is available to provide study guidance and to appoint a supervisor and write essay for me.
- An evaluation certificate issued by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) must be submitted if a previous qualification has been obtained in another country.
- The Research Methodology seminar in February is compulsory and the assessment must be passed.
Total credits for the program: 360The LLD program is incorporated into the focus area through the requirement that all new research proposals must indicate the manner in which the proposed thesis will contribute to the theme of law, justice, and sustainability and write my essay for me. Doctoral research is undertaken under the guidance of the senior researchers involved in the focus area. It is not uncommon for researchers to serve as assistants or co-promoters of doctoral studies undertaken in other faculties.